Challenges and Setbacks

“The brick walls are there for a reason.
…To stop the people who don’t want it badly enough.”
— Randy Pausch
— The Last Lecture

Welcoming the Unwelcomed

At times of crisis and transition, conflict and dysregulation arise. The integrity of the family may be shattered by illness, separations, cut-offs, death, disability, and estrangement. How best to maintain equanimity, purpose and love? Work on differentiation of self is the fundamental underpinning to growing oneself up.

  • What can one do to promote active problem solving and healing?
  • How do you deal with differences without losing connection?
  • Which behaviors will help make things better?

Life is often stressful, disappointing and unfair. Self-differentiation is about setting appropriate limits and boundaries, staying connected while maintaining emotional independence and self-sufficiency. Focusing on more than “the problem” includes the overall health and happiness of the family.

  • Would you like to learn how to function rather than fix?
  • Do you desire to be a person not a patient?
  • Are you committed to maintaining connection without sacrificing yourself?

The ability to struggle well, to make meaning out of adversity and to make loss matter is fundamental to emotional well-being. A resilience-based approach affirms the ever-present opportunity for emotional growth and reinvestment.

  • What are your opportunities for resolving conflicts and repairing cut-offs?
  • Are you ready for the development of new relationships and life goals?
  • How can you calm anxiety and improve self-focus?

Would you like to learn skills to sustain happiness, satisfaction, meaning, and sensuality in the face of life’s inevitable struggles and setbacks? Begin by changing
yourself and experiencing the world in new more rewarding ways.

Easy to say, daunting to do. Mindful Relationships coaching can help you move forward in a more positive direction.

To schedule an initial consultation and/or request more information, please click here.

I wish you all the best on your unfolding journey of a lifetime.

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