For Families

“If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton,
You may as well make it dance. –
―George Bernard Shaw

Family Ties the Bind

Families. We all have them. We all grew up in them. Many of us have created our own. All of them are at various times sources of great joy and satisfaction as well as intense anxiety and disappointment. Yet none of us can ever emotionally leave them, nor do we have a choice as to whether or not we deal with them. Even choosing not to deal with them is a way of choosing to deal with them. It just means we have no control over the outcome.

No matter what your family issues are, dealing with them starts with YOU.

It is a solution that can be successful without the participation of other family members, and cannot be sabotaged by anyone. The many benefits include:

  • Honest, principled two-way communication is established
  • Multiple family members experience a higher Quality of Life
  • Improvement is long-lasting for future generations

Recognition, acceptance, and attention to improving our functional level of differentiation help us modify and change our behavior. This leads to system wide changes that are life-sustaining and enhancing. When seemingly inescapably caught in reciprocal family processes remember, “What you resist, persists.” Consultation with a well-trained Bowen Family Systems Theory “Coach” and Relationship Consultant can help keep the process moving forward in a positive direction.

To schedule an initial consultation and/or request more information, please click here.

I wish you all the best on your unfolding journey of a lifetime.

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